A ticket costs 16 € in total.
1€ per ticket will be donated to the women's refuge in Bielefeld.
Basic rules - Our own freedom ends where that of others is restricted:
We use non-discriminatory and mindful language.
No always means no! And even more important: Only yes means yes! The boundaries of your fellow human beings are very personal and everyone decides for themselves when they are crossed.
Never touch a person who has not previously communicated to you that it is okay for them to do so. "Signals" can be misinterpreted.
Discriminatory, racist, anti-semitic, anti-queer, harassing, and sexist attitudes and statements have no place at our events and will not be tolerated.
Drug use can be dangerous, please know your limits and be aware of the consequences.
If you or someone else is not feeling well, feel free to talk to us.
Who can you contact?
You can recognize our Artig Awareness Team by the orange caps. You can talk to us and the staff at any time.

Knutzen, Lennart; Reineke, Daniel; Schröder, Philipp; Unverzagt, Philipp Timon GbR
Veuillez remplir les champs suivants.
La vente se termine le samedi, 08.03.2025 22:00
Les prix incluent la TVA plus les frais de transaction
Total: XX.XX €
Hechelei / Ravensberger Park 6 / 33607 Bielefeld, Ravensberger Park 6, Bielefeld, DEOrganisateur
Artig X Hechelei est organisé par:
Knutzen, Lennart; Reineke, Daniel; Schröder, Philipp; Unverzagt, Philipp Timon GbR
Liens vers l'organisateur
Catégorie: Soirée & Fête / House & Techno