North Indian Pakhawaj meets South Indian Mridangam mediated by Dhrupad, Indian classical singing. The two magnificent drums will exchange lilting and explosive rhythmic ideas and take you through a journey with a breathtaking display of speed and complexity.
Aditya Dip - Pakhawaj
Amit Sharma - Dhrupad vocals
Chidu Narayanan - Mridangam
Drinks and snacks are available for purchase at the Gwürzi Bistro
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La vente se termine le samedi, 08.02.2025 20:00
Erwachsene, Kinder (10 - 18J)
Erwachsene, Kinder unter 10 J
Les prix incluent la TVA
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Liechtensteinische Post
Orell Füssli
Solothurn Tourismus
Tourisme de Rheinfelden
TourismusRegion Baden
Total: XX.XX CHF
Gewürzmühle, Zug, Sankt-Johannes-Strasse 40, Zug, CHOrganisateur
Laya Vinyasa: Indian Drumming Duel est organisé par:
Chidambaram Narayanan
Catégorie: Concert / Monde & Ethno