All events in Bassersdorf Today

Event-Image for 'ONLINE: Reisesteine'
Event group
Event-Image for 'Unterstützungsgruppe'
Event group
Event-Image for 'Kurs: Mindful Morning'
Event group
Event-Image for 'Garpa und Baur au Lac Vins auf der Giardina 2025'
Event-Image for 'Miniclub'
Event group
Event-Image for 'Lighten Up!'
Event group
Event-Image for 'Konsumwelten'
Event group
Event-Image for 'Werkstattschau mit Dafi Kühne'
Event group
Event-Image for 'Glänzendes Kunsthandwerk'
Event group
Event-Image for 'MeetByChance - Singles treffen «zufällig» Singles'
Event group
Event-Image for 'MeetByChance - Singles treffen «zufällig» Singles'
Event group
Event-Image for 'Textile Manifeste – Von Bauhaus bis Soft Sculpture'
Event group
Event-Image for 'BOUCHRA KHALILI'
Event group
Event-Image for 'Ikebana - Crashkurs'
Event group
Event-Image for 'Flickstube'
Event group
Event-Image for 'Sonderabfall'
Event-Image for 'überall unterall'
Event group
Event-Image for 'Peppa Wutz Live!'
Event-Image for 'Oh wie schön ist Panama - Figurentheater für Kinder'
Event-Image for 'Ikebana - Crashkurs'
Event group
Event-Image for 'Workshop «Steinzeit Graffiti»'
Event-Image for 'Ich kann's nicht lassen'
Sold out
Event-Image for 'Zürich West Tour, 12.3.25, 18 Uhr'
Event-Image for 'Digital detox art therapy event in Zurich'
Event-Image for 'BrainFair 2025: Sprachen lernen'
Event-Image for 'LA SCOMPARSA DI BRUNO BRÉGUET von Olmo Cerri'
Event-Image for 'Open Curling'
Event group
Event-Image for 'Nachwuchsabend'
Event-Image for 'Sascha Grammel'
Event-Image for 'SOUNDBATH Winterthur'
Event group
Event-Image for 'Front Row Comedy: Wednesdays at Yaman'
Event group
Event-Image for 'Wednesday Comedy Kiss Open Mic, Zurich'
Event group
Event-Image for 'Theater Einhorn Dübendorf spielt "Bittermandle und Pistole"'
Event group
Event-Image for 'Vermisst! – The Missing Days of Agatha Christie'
Event group
Event-Image for 'Freitag ist Kiwi-Tag'
Event group
Event-Image for 'Zauberei'
Event group
Event-Image for 'Basic Pitches and Milquetoast - Double feature!'
Event-Image for 'Surf-Rock mit "Staub"'
Event-Image for 'Drink + Draw'
Event-Image for 'Joe Haider Quintet – The Miles Davis Project'

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