What is Express Checkout?

The «Express Checkout» feature available in the event creation process allows ticket buyers to purchase tickets quickly and easily by simply entering their email address. Name and address are not required, speeding up the purchase process and reducing waiting times. This also makes it easier to enter the venue.

How do I activate Express Checkout?

Express Checkout is enabled by default during the event creation process and is activated 3 hours before the event starts. You can also choose from the following options:

  • Always enabled: Express Checkout is always available for your events.
  • Enabled x hours before event start: Available from a specified number of hours before the event.
  • Enabled from date/time: Available from a specified date and time.
  • Disabled: Express Checkout is disabled for your event.
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Choose the option that best suits your event to optimise ticket sales and speed up entry.

What are the benefits of Express Checkout?

Buyers can purchase tickets quickly and easily by simply entering their email address. No name or address is required. This speeds up the purchase process and can significantly reduce queues at the event.