Discover the most important sights in Rheinfelden on the classic Old Town tour. This tour is for anyone who has never been to Rheinfelden before to get a first overall impression. But even those familiar with Rheinfelden will discover some corners they have never seen before.

Explore the imposing town hall with its baroque façade, the court arbour and the magnificent town hall. Enjoy the marvellous view from the Rhine Bridge of the Old Town facades and the nature along the banks of the Rhine. And if you hear the gentle bleating of a billy goat from the alleyways, follow it to the carillon in the ‘Rumpel’. It tells the legend of the tailor who saved Rheinfelden from the Swedes and fascinates young and old alike.


Organisateur de Public guided tour of Rheinfelden's old town (English)

Tourismus Rheinfelden


La vente se termine le vendredi, 16.05.2025 15:30


10.00 CHF

Children (under 16 years)

5.00 CHF

Les prix incluent la TVA

Total: XX.XX CHF
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Total: XX.XX CHF

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Rathaus Rheinfelden, Marktgasse 16, Rheinfelden, CH


Public guided tour of Rheinfelden's old town (English) est organisé par:

Tourismus Rheinfelden