SPARKLE COMEDY is back with our first open mic of 2025 at SÄÄLI, one of Basel’s most vibrant hotspots, known for its adventurous, unpredictable nights and tunes you never knew you loved!
We at Sparkle Comedy are thrilled to present our next Open Mic Comedy show, where everyone has a chance to become Basel’s next comedy star (and maybe beyond). You’ll experience comedy in its rawest form, witnessing the creative process of first-timers and seasoned comedians alike!
The show starts at 8 PM. Entry is free, but you’ll need to reserve a place for admission. Stick around for the afterparty with our beloved DJ, Alessio Perone!
Come for the fun, stay for the magic!
Veuillez remplir les champs suivants.
La vente se termine le jeudi, 16.01.2025 22:00
Feeling generous to donate to comedy :)
Feeling *very* generous to donate ;)
Les prix incluent la TVA
Les billets sont également disponibles dans nos Points de vente.
Points de vente de billets
Liechtensteinische Post
Orell Füssli
Tourisme de Rheinfelden
TourismusRegion Baden
Total: XX.XX CHF
Sääli, Hammerstrasse 108, Bâle, CHOrganisateur
Sparkle Comedy OPEN MIC est organisé par:
Sparkle Comedy Club
Catégorie: Théâtre & Scène / Comédie & Cabaret