Fast. Funny. Made Up. is the Renegade Saints‘ flagship show and the longest running English improv comedy show in Geneva, entering legend and folklore for its fun, fast and hilarious atmosphere. What is it though? Well it’s simple: We make up scenes based on YOUR ideas. You’re the director of the journey all from your bar stool. All you have to do is sit back, relax, and enjoy a hilarious, fast-paced improv show.
Come on down, grab a seat (if you can get one), grab a beer and join the fun. Be the fun you want to see in the world!
– Doors open at 19:30
Belly laughs guaranteed.
Veuillez remplir les champs suivants.
La vente se termine le jeudi, 15.05.2025 22:00
General Admission
Les prix incluent la TVA
Les billets sont également disponibles dans nos Points de vente.
Points de vente de billets
Liechtensteinische Post
Orell Füssli
Solothurn Tourismus
Tourisme de Rheinfelden
TourismusRegion Baden
Total: XX.XX CHF
MR PICKWICK PUB - GENEVA, Rue de Lausanne 80, Genève, CHOrganisateur
Fast. Funny. Made Up – English Improv Comedy show est organisé par:
Renegade Saints
Catégorie: Théâtre & Scène / Comédie & Cabaret