WHAT: National Erasmus Games 2025
WHERE: Centre Sportif de Dorigny, Lausanne
WHEN: 22sd-23rd of March
- ESNCARD holder : 57CHF without AG / 25CHF with AG
- Non-ESNCARD holder : 67CHF without AG / 35CHF with AG
Blabla de communication
NB : To pay the real event price, remove the insurance option and the volontary donation to the platform.
TICKET EXCHANGE AND RESALE POLICY: If you can no longer attend an event, join our "Erasmus ticket exchange group" group on Telegram to trade your ticket with others. Reselling tickets for a profit is strictly FORBIDDEN. If tickets are resold, the resale price must not exceed the original purchase price. Any violation of this rule may result in exclusion from future ESN Geneva events.
For other information, as the image rights or our values, please refer to our General Sales Terms.
Veuillez remplir les champs suivants.
La vente de billets en ligne est terminée le 09.03.2025 20:00.
ORGANIZER, bitch !
Les prix incluent la TVA
Total: XX.XX CHF
Centre sportif universitaire de Dorigny, 12, Saint-Sulpice, CHLiens vers l'événement
National Erasmus Games - 22/03/2025 - ORGANIZERS ONLY est organisé par:
ESN Genève
Liens vers l'organisateur
Catégorie: Sport & Fitness / Autres événements