For people who would like to manifest and have a sense of progress in the year 2025!!
1.We’ll do an assessment of how the first 3 months of 2025 went and some adjustments if necessary to your vision board
2. Ariane will guide a meditation to accelerate one of your intention/goal
3. Anna will guide us in a 45min Yin Yoga to integrate our vision in our body (no experience required) it will help the energy flow through the body
Ariane & Anna
Leanza Music Productions Gmbh
Veuillez remplir les champs suivants.
La vente se termine le mercredi, 09.04.2025 21:30
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Les prix incluent la TVA
Les billets sont également disponibles dans nos Points de vente.
Points de vente de billets
Liechtensteinische Post
Orell Füssli
Solothurn Tourismus
Tourisme de Rheinfelden
TourismusRegion Baden
Total: XX.XX CHF
Creative Arts Project Zürich, Kornhausstrasse 18, Zürich, CHOrganisateur
Manifesting 2025 #2 est organisé par:
Leanza Music Productions Gmbh