Foxing are a band from St. Louis, Missouri and independently released their self-titled, fifth album Foxing on 13 September 2024. At its core, Foxing, is an album that balances hopefulness and nihilism, the pastoral with the tumultuous. Whether oscillating between visceral noise rock and intimate bedroom cassette experiments on opener "Secret History" or cruising at the edge of collapse on "Barking," the dramatic dynamics that have long permeated Foxing's music have never felt so extreme. Five albums into a discography defined by its own restlessness, Foxing is a document of a band finding comfort in their own chaos.
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Liechtensteinische Post
Orell Füssli
Solothurn Tourismus
Tourisme de Rheinfelden
TourismusRegion Baden
Total: XX.XX CHF
Dynamo Werk21, Wasserwerkstrasse 21, Zürich, CHOrganisateur
FOXING est organisé par:
Cheers Productions
Catégorie: Concert / Pop & Rock