English Stand-Up at Comedy Club 13 is back! This season we are bringing some of the highest quality acts from all over europe, as well as showcasing the best of the local swiss comedy scene right in the heart of Lausanne!

This show's headliner is Rogier Bak !

Rogier Bak is a comedian from Amsterdam. He is Dutch, but has worked incredibly hard to make sure you could never tell. Having spent his formative years in the US, he feels like a foreigner in his home country. He’s the first Dutch comedian to exploit cultural identity crisis for personal gain, and there’s a very realistic chance that he’s, like, literally, the only Dutch person in the world who wishes he were American.
Rogier started performing stand-up in 2016, and is now a regular at clubs throughout The Netherlands and abroad. He has been producing his own shows since 2021, while at the same time accumulating a sizeable following across social media with his daily comedy videos gaining millions of views.

The event starts in
7 Days
12 h
20 min
2 s

Event organiser

Comedy Club 13


Etudiants / AVS / AI : 20.00 CHF
Plein Tarif : 25.00 CHF

Go to presale

Total: XX.XX CHF



Comedy Club 13, Rue Cité-Devant 10, Lausanne, CH

Event links