The Swiss Jam 2025 invites the whole Parkour community to Zurich. The main event area is located at the Irchel Campus Area. Different workshops for all skill levels can be joined. A big spot with major extensions gives enough room for all kind of movements and inspirations. Join the event to jam, to learn, to get inspired and inspire!

Find the detailed information on

Book your camping reservation HERE


Veranstalter:in von Swiss Jam 2025

Swiss Parkour Association


Online-Verkauf startet am Sonntag, 09.02.2025 00:00

All Workshops

CHF 29.90

1x Workshop

CHF 14.90

2x Workshop

CHF 24.90

Preise inkl. Steuern

Total: XX.XX CHF

Der Online-Ticketverkauf startet am 09.02.2025 00:00.



Universitätscampus Irchel, Winterthurerstrasse 190, Zürich, CH

Links zum Event


Swiss Jam 2025 wird organisiert durch:

Swiss Parkour Association