How do we bring the right people together?

Convening means to assemble, to come or bring together. Diverse people gather continuously, all over the world, across sectors and perspectives, in events and processes addressing societal challenges. They are brought together by “convenors”.  But what is required to bring the right people together for genuine and sustainable impact?  What insights and capabilities make a great convenor?  That is the subject of this course. 

What’s the course about?

How can we bring the right people together and create a conducive environment for collaborative transformation to take place? In this one-day intensive course, participants will learn the art and science of convening among diverse stakeholders in order to bring about systems change.

Who is this course for?

This course has been designed particularly for those who are ready to bring diverse groups of people together, and are seeking the skills and insights to maximize the impact of their collaborative efforts.  



Veranstalter:in von Convening for Systems Change

Reos Partners Europe Sarl


Online-Verkauf endet am Samstag, 19.10.2024 17:00

Standard Course Ticket

CHF 550.00

Preise inkl. Steuern

Total: XX.XX CHF
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Die Veranstalter:in hat leider keine unserer externen Vorverkaufsstellen für diesen Event aktiviert. Kontaktieren Sie die Veranstalter:in, um nachzufragen, ob es nicht doch eine andere Möglichkeit gibt, um an Tickets zu gelangen.

Total: XX.XX CHF

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SDG Solution Space, Avenue de Sécheron 15, Genève, CH

Links zum Event


Convening for Systems Change wird organisiert durch:

Reos Partners Europe Sarl